Building Babel

'Throughout history, model after model of the "perfect society" has been proposed. All of these perfect societies suffer from the same flaw, they cannot, even feebly, compensate for the differences that pervade humanity. Every attempt suffers in inequity to some degree and subjection to another. The values of society determining the extent to which they will tolerate either. The folly in the modern world exists mainly on one side of the scales. Those who value freedom and individuality, except for a bare few, understand deeply the inherent limitations of man, and, what role the coercive will of the collective as it manifests as man's law must play in molding a society. We are each cannot be free to do as we please, and we must, to some degree, give over some of the fruits of our labor to the common good. Atheist and Believer see clearly the role of law even in a society that deeply respects the unique nature and will of every human.

The other side of the scale, those that value equity, often times worship a form of egalitarianism that places equality in every fundamental sense as not only an obtainable objective, but one that should be sought at all costs in what they think of as a fair society. They see each step that subjugates the individual to society bringing them ever closer to an egalitarian paradise. But inequity can not be driven from man, our curse from the tower, that we WILL be different in many ways, and those differences will reflect in our society. But the egalitarian continues enslaving the individual to the whole unabated each level of control bringing him closer though as with a hyperbolic function, as much can be gained with a few laws in promoting equity, the more laws made the less that is gained with each one. So the task remains elusive, just beyond the grasp of the egalitarian. And forevermore as they cannot accept the fundamental flaws of societies on God's earth, they will want just a little more control, just a little more, and they can reach it, perfection, Heaven brought to Earth will be achieved. The evils of man finally purged away.

This is why they cannot be humored. They cannot be trusted to measure their approach or moderate their view because they cannot accept that what they want they will never achieve. Because whatever unfairness exists, no matter how small is too much for them, and no amount of freedom lost is too big for the sacrifice at the alter bearing "=". So go warned as you encounter those who talk endlessly about the unfair. Ask them, how much? When can we stop enslaving the individual? When can we say we've done what we need to do to be "fair". Where does their pursuit end? How many laws, how much intrusion, what does the fair society they want look like so that we can stop the subjection? At what point is society fair enough for them? You might get interesting answers but more likely; as someone who values uniqueness, freedom, and individuality, discusses society with those who idolize egalitarianism and fairness, you will likely find that you just talk past each other, as if the words and ideas cannot be understood across the breach of air. As if you were speaking different languages all together. But then again, that is how it is supposed to be.'

- MikeTheMoose, 'Building Babel.'


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