Sweet & Bitter-Sweet

Though the Cadbury Silk Ad (above) makes my stomach churn (all their commercials pretty much do), it hits home with its message. That the chocolate in question is gooey and incredibly tasty! Tell you what, at our home, Silk's pretty much the favorite (read, Brooklyn, Jaden, Alphy, and Ray) chocolate bar brand.

The Bournville Ad (above) is another winner from Cadbury. It tells you straight and clear, bittersweet is here, and sweet better make way!

Now what Cadbury did a few weeks ago that was really really smart, was give the Bournville away free with the Silk. The promo did exactly what it was supposed to. It got sweet-toothed Indians to try 'bittersweet' for a change!

Will the 'tasting' continue to a consumer adoption of bittersweet? Its early days yet. I guess it may at least get Indian consumers to think about taking a break from 'sweet' silk.

As for us, bittersweet was, and will surely be an added option.

Way to go, Cadbury India!


Unknown said…
Sir the Bournville was supposed to be earned thats the crux of their first few campaigns and now why did they have to jump to a direct off on them by giving it for free..
-Your student Jayendra Katti (Alliance Ascent College).
Unknown said…
Sir the Bournville was supposed to be earned thats the crux of their first few campaigns and now why did they have to jump to a direct off on them by giving it for free..
-Your student Jayendra Katti (Alliance Ascent College).

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