Second shaadi

Though overall, the divorce rate in India is lowest around the world at 1.1%, the rates are climbing. Statistics released recently show that 25 out of every 1000 marriages in Bangalore city end up in divorce and a majority of these break ups are among those working in the IT sector. is a result of this scenario. Headed by Vivek Pahwa, an MBA from the Indian School of Business (ISB), this site calls itself India's No. 1 site for second marriages. Considering the fact that they are the first one off the blocks in capitalising on this 'business' opportunity and with a site name that would register with everyone on the lookout for a partner, a second time around, secondshaadi indeed is poised to grow.

What else has this portal got right? Easy to navigate, no frills approach in keeping it simple, FAQs that explain everything in detail, tips thrown in..etc., this portal has been designed and constructed well.

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Niyati Priyam said…
Phew!! Just now after a hectic group discussion about people who give 60 to 80 hours to their work and how they manage their lives...(both professional and personal) I come across this piece of information.... i don't want to criticise this idea....from a marketer's point of view it sure looks interesting.... but do we notice a trend catching up fast??? If you cant be happy with a partner dump him/her....go for the next....are relationships also becoming commodities with various brands??... If they are not...Thankgod (I am still in a relatively silly world), but if they are....Kudos to Vivek!! an opportunity well tapped boss!!
Ray Titus said…
Niyati, The other side of the coin,...check this article out -
Niyati Priyam said…
Couldn't get it sir.... it says "no story found".
Ray Titus said…
Go to and click on the story titled, 'Naked among wolves' by Bina Ramani
Unknown said…
Well well....thts the way it goes...demand and supply!!!this happened and is sure gonna be successful because of two has a first entrant advantage....and second the demand we all know definitly exists!!!Looking at the news of Salman Rushdie divorcing for the 3rd time ...i feel by the time i pass out...i can start with www.getmarriedforthird!!!

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